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AI technology presents pros and cons

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly spreading throughout the world, and like all U.S. colleges, Jones College is experiencing the positive and negative effects of this growing technology.

Timothy Morris, an English professor at Jones College, recognizes that AI is not a new thing and thinks that the rise of artificial intelligence is due to the development of AI platforms that are easy for ordinary people to access and use.

“AI has been here for many years,” said Morris. “It’s just been under the surface, so I think now that we have ChatGPT and Google Bard and these other platforms where an average everyday person can access it, it has just become more noticeable.”

With the increase of accessibility to this technological advancement, many have become concerned about the potential harms of AI. Eric Shows, dean of the School of Science and Engineering, said he is concerned that AI is developing too quickly.

“My biggest worry is the speed at which things are developing,” said Shows. “It doesn’t really allow time for reflection, consideration and to really slow down and think about what we are doing, why we are doing it and how we are doing it.”

According to Morris, there is also concern that students may not be receiving the full benefits of education because of their use of AI to avoid doing their own research and work.

Morris said, “I think some students have fallen into the trap of leaning a little bit too heavily on that technology and try to use it as a way to not think or not approach the work as they should.”

According to, 56% of college students reported using AI tools for assignments or exams, and 54% of the students surveyed said that the use of AI for classwork or exams counts as cheating or plagiarism. Using AI tools for classwork without permission could compromise the integrity of the classroom, undermine fairness in grading and effort, and reduce credibility for academic achievements.

Jones College is addressing the many concerns about AI in several ways. Teachers in certain departments have implemented policies to help combat improper use of the technology, and Jones provides AI-detecting software through Canvas.

“Within our group of English teachers here, we’ve discussed it and sort of come up with some guidelines,” said Morris. “Jones also has Turnitin for all of the instructors for Canvas, and Turnitin is working hand-in-hand with the whole AI process to be able to detect work that is not written by the student.”

Students using AI to help complete assignments should be cautious because it will often be flagged by Jones’ AI-detecting software. This can result in grade reductions or can be disciplined as plagiarism, so students should check with faculty before using AI.

“Before using AI on schoolwork, students should make sure to check with their instructors,” said Shows. “Different instructors might have different policies on how they address AI use, so it is best to check to make sure that you won’t be penalized.”

While there are real risks and complications associated with AI, there are also beneficial uses that can be implemented at Jones.

“On the instructor side, we’re using it to help us be more efficient in what we do,” said Shows. “I don’t think anybody is using it to replace completely their role in the learning process. It’s more to just supplement and make what we have to do easier to do.”

Students can also use AI in ethical ways. For instance, AI can be used as a study tool and to help formulate ideas.

“I sometimes use AI to help brainstorm ideas when I feel burnt out,” said Carlee Carter, a freshman at Jones. “There are also some really helpful AI tools that can ask questions to test my knowledge on a subject.”

According to Shows, taking the time for critical thought is crucial to being able to use AI in the most beneficial way.

Shows said, “The potential is there to really improve the quality of our life, but to get that and minimize the potential negative outcomes, we have to take the time to think through it.”

Morris believes that focusing on the aspects of AI that can be utilized for good will allow education to be positively impacted by this technology.

Morris said, “I do think that AI can have a positive effect in education, and I think that we have to find and hone in on those positive effects and kind of highlight that as we go forward.”

by Jaylynn Conner

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