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Golden State Killer arrested after decades long search

Investigating cold cases has been a past time of many police officers and civilians alike. Recently, a case that has been unsolved for decades was pushed back into the spotlight. Police officers in California finally nabbed the Golden State Killer.  

On April 24, police arrested Joseph DeAngelo, a former police officer, on two counts of murder in Sacramento County, California. This man was suspected to be the Golden State Killer, a killer that evaded several law enforcement agencies including the FBI and local police for decades. The Golden State Killer was tied to more than 12 murders and several burglaries. Police believe that he was connected to over 175 crimes from 1976 to 1986.  

District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert said, “It was only recently that evidence began conclusively pointing investigators to DeAngelo.” After surveillance and an obtained DNA sample, police apprehended him in “a perfectly executed arrest.” 

To learn more about the Golden State Killer’s arrest visit the links below. 

by Baylee Walter 

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