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Get involved at JCJC

This semester has come to an end, and for many students it is time to begin a new semester, whether during the summer or fall. Students will be choosing classes based on his or her major of choice and possibly a few extra classes. Jones County Junior College encourages students to enroll in extra-curricular activities. Few students truly enjoy the strenuous work and countless hours required to receive a degree; most students do not like school in general, but by being involved in electives, clubs and campus-related activities, college can be more enjoyable. JCJC offers a variety of options such as concert choir, band, JCJC Voices, piano lessons, art classes, yearbook staff and of course, the newspaper staff.

Being involved is especially important for students who do not live on campus. Commuters have a disadvantage because they do not have dorm mates to interact and make friends with, but by being assertive and joining a club or organization, one can enhance his or her college experience.

by Marla Parker


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