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Everyone needs to vote

A voting poll for this years predisential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Many people feel like their vote, when it comes to the presidential election, is obsolete, and it may very well be. The electoral college reserves the right to vote for the candidate they choose, but technically they still vote for what the majority voted for, as is their purpose.

Other people do not want to vote because they do not like either candidate. By not voting, however, they are guaranteeing someone they dislike to win the election. Write-in votes are still an option, though they normally do not have much effect. It would be better to voice an opinion rather than to waste a vote.

Voting for the lesser of two evils is an option as well. Some may dislike one candidate more than the other, so why not vote against the one that they really cannot stand?

Voting is a right that the people of America have fought and died for. Many countries still do not give their people the option to vote for their leader. We are privileged in being able to have that choice, so why do so many people still waste it?

by Laurel Jones


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