Monday, March 17, 2025
HomeNewsCollege continues safety protocols

College continues safety protocols

The spring semester is looking different for Jones College students as the world is still adjusting to the wrath brought by COVID-19. Students are now meeting face-to-face once a week per class instead of attending solely online like the fall semester.

There is still heavy protocol being enforced on campus to protect everyone in attendance.

“Students are divided into smaller class groups in order to attend a class that meets social-distancing guidelines,” said Dana Knight, the Spanish instructor at Jones.

“This normally has them attending class once a week for face-to-face instruction and then working virtually for their additional class meeting(s) per week.  Students are allowed/encouraged to make appointments if they feel they need additional instruction or help on assignments,” said Knight.

As the Mississippi Department of Health and Centers for Disease Control continues to update information, Jones follows its guidelines and suggestions for students. While on campus, all employees, students and visitors are required to wear face coverings when inside buildings. There are also check-in stations around campus, and students must have an official armband to be on campus.

Attendance has been one of the most important aspects to consider with this new system. By meeting once a week, students have the opportunity to meet with instructors and other classmates.

 “Overall, attendance has been very good. As I have available sets in a class, students can switch their face-to-face day with alternate days to avoid an absence,” said Knight.

Students in the career-technical and nursing programs have had to adjust to the modified hands-on learning aspect.

“The toughest adjustment to me has been limited face-to-face time in the classroom,” said Legend Waldrup, a Jones nursing student.

“I, along with many of my classmates, learn better in face-to-face lectures rather than online video lectures, so I’m really thankful things have changed this semester,” said Waldrup. “Without a doubt, the pandemic has shown me that I am supposed to be in the medical field. It has been one of the greatest honors of my life to serve as a student on the front lines during one of the greatest health crises in the country.”

If any student or faculty member feels ill or notices COVID-19 symptoms, please visit the health clinic on campus for an evaluation. Please be courteous of others and remember to follow all campus rules.

by Tori Ellis

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