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Holiday traditions to be anticipated

An outdoor Thanksgiving decretive piece.

Now that trick-or-treaters are feeling around at the bottom of their candy baskets, and jack-o-lanterns are being tossed away, the next big holiday quickly approaches. Thanksgiving is just around the corner, so call up the extended family and decide who is hosting, who is cooking and what delicious dishes are on this year’s menu.

Thanksgiving has some pretty solid traditions attached to it, but the modern American family can have lots of diversity in how they celebrate the season. Some celebrate with the traditional Thanksgiving feast. Others may choose to travel, spend time with coworkers or take on the holiday with friends. Jones County Junior College Choral Director, Joel Dunlap, chooses to spend his holiday time surrounded with family and long-time friends.

“My wife, Jennifer, two sons, Jackson and Jonah, and I travel to North Mississippi to my in-laws,” said Dunlap. “We stay with them most of the week. We always eat a lot of great food, visit with extended family and friends and of course, watch the Egg Bowl.”

Sophomore Jade Sumrall is trading in her traditional Thanksgiving for a new experience to be enjoyed with her family members.

“My family usually watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and help mom cook, but this year we are going on a three-day Disney cruise,” said Sumrall. “We will board on Thanksgiving and will wake up in Nassau. The next day, we’ll go to Castaway Cay, an island in the Bahamas owned by Disney.”

Sophomore Haleigh Brock is celebrating her thanksgiving in the way most people think of when the holiday comes to mind.

Every year I celebrate Thanksgiving at my grandma’s house,” said Brock. “She makes so much food that there are leftovers for a while.”

Whether it is practicing the long-time traditions associated with Thanksgiving or taking an adventurous spin to the holiday, remember to give thanks for those around the dinner table and enjoy the holiday to its fullest.

by Alexis Melendez


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