Thursday, March 20, 2025
HomeFeaturesCoronavirus hits close to Jones

Coronavirus hits close to Jones

The worldwide pandemic has affected many people as seen in the news and on social media, but it’s even more real when it is close to home. Dean of Workforce College at Jones Jennifer Griffith recently contracted and overcame coronavirus (COVID-19). 

Griffith, who has chronic leukemia, said she has been cautious from the very beginning, staying safe and making sure to come in contact with as few people as possible. Studies have shown that preexisting illness can be extremely serious when it comes to dealing with the coronavirus. Under the circumstances, she made sure to be aware of any sudden symptoms.

Griffith didn’t run fever but began to notice she was having difficulty breathing. She decided to get tested and ended up receiving positive results.

“Having the virus made me more intimately aware of the severity of it. It’s something that hit home,” said Griffith. 

She explained her difficulties as she fought the disease, describing that she had to focus on every single breath. She was scared, and she knew little about what the future held. She fought through, and eventually overcame it, but is now very aware of the struggle. She said it’s a very serious disease, especially for those fighting other health battles. Griffith explained that many people believe that the virus isn’t serious. She urges anybody that will listen, “It’s very real, and it has very real side effects.”

Griffith encourages everyone to continue best practices to prevent the spread.

 “Initially I think we were diligent, but as it has progressed, I’m afraid people are becoming complacent,” she said. 

Social distancing and quarantining were taken very seriously at first, but it seems people are beginning to care less and less. She urged, “We cannot become complacent, not now.” Griffith said she is sure to wear a mask in public and hopes that others will too. It’s all about working together and flattening the curve.

As the world waits for the end of the pandemic, it can be easy to become discouraged, but Griffith said, “I believe there is beauty in brokenness. Look at the positives. I was always so busy before, and this gave me the opportunity to spend more time with my boys.” 

She has a new perspective on this that many may not see. To her friends that are discouraged she says, “Keep your chin up, do your part, and know this too shall pass.”

by Ashton May

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