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Laurel theater to hold auditions

Ever wanted to be the star of a show? Here’s your chance. The Laurel Little Theatre will host auditions for the annual musical Sept. 10-11. The auditions will start promptly at 7 p.m. at the Arabian Theatre. This year’s musical will be  A Christmas StoryDirector Wess Hughes plans for a huge cast of 40 adults and 20 children.  

The ages for leading roles may vary. The director will ask everyone to read for no particular scene. Nothing has to be memorized for play auditions. High school and college students are encouraged to join the cast.  For musical auditions, participants can prepare a song or learn a simple group song for the try-outs. After roles are assigned, rehearsals will begin in October. The live productions will be Nov. 9-11 and Nov. 16-18.

by Py’Necious Cowart 

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