After losing his family when he was just a teenager, Iquec Magee found himself homeless. Despite facing this unpredictable hardship, with the help of...
Attending Jones College offers students many opportunities to expand in their
community of friends. This was the case for current sophomores Jeteric Ellis and Emily...
On Sept. 28, the number-two ranked Georgia Bulldogs took on the number-four ranked Alabama Crimson Tide in Tuscaloosa. Alabama was in an interesting situation,...
Jones College’s new astronomy class began this spring semester with the help of Bharath Kandula, a physics and astronomy instructor at Jones.
Kandula first became...
The Student Government Association is a student-led organization that encompasses the ideas of the entire student body.
SGA’s mission is to foster leadership skills, encourage...
Kathryn Davis of Jones College was selected Mississippi Humanities Teacher of the Year for the 2023-2024 school year.
Through the years, Davis has been at...